mark color sorter machine

A mark color sorter machine for toor dal (pigeon pea) is a specialized equipment used in the food processing industry to sort and separate toor dal based on color. The primary purpose of the machine is to remove any defective or discolored dal from the main product, ensuring a high-quality end product for consumers. mark color sorter machine It is an essential tool in the dal processing industry to enhance product quality, reduce manual labor, and improve efficiency.

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1. **Feeding Mechanism**: mark color sorter machine The raw toor dal is fed into the machine through a hopper or conveyor belt.

2. **Infeed System**: The toor dal moves through an infeed system where the dal is spread out in a thin layer to ensure that each grain is visible to the sensors.

3. **Camera and Sensor System**: mark color sorter machine The heart of the color sorter machine is its camera and sensor system. High-resolution cameras and sensors are used to capture images of each individual toor dal grain as they pass by.

4. **Image Processing and Analysis**: mark color sorter machine manufacturersThe images captured by the cameras are processed in real-time using advanced image processing algorithms. These algorithms detect the color, size, and shape of each dal grain.

5. **Ejection System**: color sorter machine manufacturers Based on the analysis from the image processing, the machine identifies defective or discolored dal grains and activates the ejection system. Air nozzles or mechanical ejectors are used to blow or divert the unwanted grains away from the main product stream.

6. **Sorting and Collection**: color sorter machine manufacturers The sorted and accepted toor dal grains continue on the main conveyor belt, while the rejected grains are collected separately.

7. **Packaging and Distribution**: The sorted toor dal is then ready for packaging and distribution, ensuring only high-quality dal reaches the consumers.

The color sorter machine significantly improves the efficiency of the sorting process, as it can quickly process a large quantity of toor dal in a relatively short period. color sorter machine manufacturers It ensures consistency in the quality of the final product, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and reducing the chances of consumer complaints.

Note color sorter machine manufacturers that the specific features and capabilities of a color sorter machine for toor dal may vary depending on the manufacturer and model. Some machines may offer additional functionalities, such as defect detection and sorting based on size and shape, to further enhance the sorting process. view more: Color Sorter Machine, Color Sorting Machine, Grain Sorting Machine, Equipment, Manufacturers in Coimbatore, India (